2025 BOC-3 Process Agents Service
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Designation of Process Agents. The BOC-3 is a required filing for any FMCSA operating authority including MC numbers, FF numbers, and MX Numbers.
Detailed Description
What is the BOC-3 filing?
The BOC-3 (Designation of Process Agents) is a form filed to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) that designates a process agent in every state in the United States. The agents are in place to accept any service of notice by that state's Secretary of State or services of process issued by any court in that state.
All FMCSA motor carriers, brokers, and freight forwarders are required to have a BOC-3 on file with the FMCSA in order to get your authority granted. A BOC-3 is also required in order to reinstate an MC or FF number that has been revoked.
Why should I have Interstate Authority file my BOC-3 electronically?
We are a Blanket BOC-3 Process Agent with the FMCSA with over 30,000 active BOC-3 clients, so you are not dealing with a third party agent. This means we are able to file the BOC-3 electronically as soon as we receive your order. You don't have to wait several days for the filing to post. Also, the annual BOC-3 Process Agents Service includes our AuthorityGuard protection to help keep your authority active.
What is the AuthorityGuard protection service?
Your annual BOC-3 Process Agent Service fee includes Interstate Authority's AuthorityGuard protection service. With AuthorityGuard protection you receive the following benefits free of charge:
-We monitor and notify you when events occur that could cause your authority to be revoked
-We monitor your BOC-3 and automatically refile if the FMCSA drops the filing for any reason (a name change for instance)
-We assist with MC authority reinstatement if your authority is ever revoked for any reason
-We offer FMCSA/USDOT compliance support
-We update FMCSA/USDOT information electronically (legal name, address, phone, etc)
I'm ready to order, now what?
Simply fill out the required information below and click Add to Cart to add the BOC-3 filing to your Service Cart. If you need to add other services, you can click on the service from the Related Registrations / Filings at the bottom of the page, or click Home at the top/left. If this is the only service you need at this time, just click the Checkout Now button to complete the registration process.
Start Registration
* denotes required field
Company Legal Name (and DBA if you have one)*
Company Official's Full Name*